Posts Tagged ‘House Gift


The Shard & The Savoy – Byrne Bros Project

Last autumn I began a collaboration with Michelle Tilley, Health and Safety Executive of The Byrne Group to produce a body of work based on two of their current projects – one being the state of the art Shard at London Bridge and by way of contrast – the refurbishment of the much loved old Savoy Hotel on The Strand. This project is almost completed now so time to reflect and share some of the artwork produced exclusively for their head office in Teddington.  Due to the nature of the on going work it was impossible to do more on both sites other than take photos and make notes, but as with most of my work a degree of imagination becomes an enormous asset in these circumstances.

The Savoy

Working from photos taken during site visits I produced oil on paper sketches and charcoal studies of each of the sites.

‘Ballroom’ Savoy study Lee Campbell

I was fortunate to be able to visit The Savoy just before the furniture was installed and to see the completed interior beautifully lit and this formed the basis for the completed 4′ x 4′ oil painting that resulted. Using details from the interior and gold figure who stands majestically above The Strand entrance, I designed a composition which I hoped would capture the sense of history and the unique mood created by the presence of so many notorious guests and staff. The variety of different styles proved a challenge – how to incorporate the elaborate decoration of the ballroom with the stylish deco chrome pillars and leopard skin patterned carpet with gothic glamour. I have, of course also included the mysterious ‘white lady’ who has been seen disappearing into walls as recently as last year by the security men.

Study for Savoy – Lee Campbell

I also included Kaspar the shiny black cat in the lower right hand corner  – the story goes that in 1898 a South African diamond magnate by the name of Woolf Joel was visiting London and held a banquet at the famous Savoy before returning home. At the last minute one of his guests had to cancel, leaving thirteen to sit at table, which one guest said was unlucky. After a successful dinner, Joel said his goodbyes and rose to leave; the same guest then said that the first person to leave would also be unlucky and would be the first to die. Joel was not superstitious and thought this remark very amusing — but a few weeks later he was shot dead in his Johannesburg office.


For some years after those events, anxious not to have a similar incident that could damage their reputation, the Savoy provided a member of the hotel staff to sit at tables of thirteen, to avoid the unlucky number, but that idea proved unpopular with guests wanting to talk about personal or private matters; so in 1926 a new solution was found. A British architect and sculptor called Basil Ionides was commissioned to design and carve a three-foot-high model of a black cat, which he produced from a single piece of London plane.

Kaspar in his display case at the Savoy Kaspar awaits a party of diners Named Kaspar, the cat now resides in his own display case in the entrance hall at the hotel, but whenever a party of thirteen requires an extra guest he is brought out to sit at table. He has a napkin tied around his neck and is served every course, just like any other guest. Winston Churchill became very fond of Kaspar, to the extent that he insisted the cat should be present at every meeting of The Other Club, a political dining club he had founded in 1911, and so Kaspar has been at all the fortnightly meetings — always held at the Savoy — since 1927.

During World War 2 Kaspar was catnapped by some mischievous Royal Air Force personnel and flown to Singapore, only to have Churchill himself demand its immediate return!

There are two theories as to the origin of the number thirteen being unlucky. One derives from Norse mythology, in which twelve Gods sat down to a banquet in Valhalla. The evil spirit Loki gate crashed the party as thirteenth member of the party and killed the Gods’ favourite, Balder. Thirteen also has significance to Christians, as there were thirteen people at the Last Supper, and the traitor Judas Iscariot was the thirteenth and last to arrive. As to why a cat — the animals have held an important role in mythology and superstition over the centuries, and black cats in particular are considered by many cultures to be lucky.

The refurbishment began in 2007 and over 1000 craftsmen, artists and builders had been involved in the £100 million re-fit. The whole neo-renaissance limestone facade had to be moved forward by hydraulics 0.75cm – a very complex feat of engineering. The original Edwardian style had previously been updated in the 1930s and these current sumptuous theatrical interior designs are by Pierre Yves Rochon. I was shown the sealed room No 878 where a murder had once been committed and told of the many famous guests who had graced this hotel with their presence; Monet and Whistler (a huge hero of mine) had both painted the splendid view of Thames from the hotels windows, Winston Churchill, The Beatles, Marylin Munro and Richard Harris. I was very gratful to my delightful guide Stuart Harvey, The  Project Manager, who explained that the company enforced strict rules about good behaviour and to facillitate this ran an education programme for the 800 strong workforce. A very impressive opperation.

The completed large oil painting took many months and had many transitions before reaching the final composition:

First study – Savoy – Lee Campbell

Second study -Savoy – Lee Campbell

The Savoy – oil on canvas 48″ x 48″ – Lee Campbell 2011

For additional information see:

Gilt trip: Refurbishing the Savoy hotel 8.10. 2010 – Thomas Lane

The refurbished Savoy hotel looks a million dollars – which is just as well because it cost more than £200m to do up. Happily nobody was to blame for the cost and time overruns – except possibly the owner’s insatiably lavish tastes- see images:

For a comprehensive history of the Savoy: Wikipedia:

The Shard

Renzo Piano, the building’s architect, worked together with architectural firm Broadway Malyan during the planning stage of the project. Funder by Qatar the tower will stand 1,017 ft (310 m) tall and have 72 floors, plus 15 further radiator floors in the roof. The building has been designed with an irregular triangular shape from the base to the top. It will be clad entirely in glass. The viewing gallery and open-air observation deck will be on the top (72nd) floor.

Keiren Long of the Evening Standard  has written a piece examining the impact that the Shard will have on the area:

Andy Bowden – crane operator has also written a piece about the experience of being at the top of his game://

When I first visited the site last year I wrote a blog about the experience of going up the side of the building to a considerable height in a wire cage and The Shard is now almost finished. In fact it is clearly visible from Richmond Park, the Thames at Hammersmith and probably from most of London. It is already truly magnificent! So what a challenge to complete a painting of an incomplete building. It seemed right to show the exposed core while simultaneously showing how the glass membrane will look. when completed on one side. Because the painting is being commissioned by the people building it, I also decided to use the main construction materials to represent the two Byrne brothers – one who specialises in steel and the other in concrete.

The textures that occur on the pillars of concrete are truly lovely and it seemed such a shame to render then with a smooth concrete over layer. The patterns on the raw steel are equally fascinating golden textures which occur as the metal oxidises.

Charcoal studies – The Shard – Lee Campbell

Oil study – Shard – Lee Campbell

Top Floor – oil study Shard – Lee CampbellGround Floor – Shard -Lee Campbell

Below – Shard oil study – Lee Campbell

The Shard oil on canvas 48″ x 48″ – Lee Campbell 2011

Finding a go


Christchurch Earthquakes – 22 Feb ’13

Update Feb ’13

Flowers placed in traffic cones to commemorate the earthquakes Sadly the quakes still continue and not just tremors – a moderate one was felt last week. Daily update can be seen of the following sites:

Several hundred people gathered for a memorial service in Latimer Square, near where 115 died when a six-story office building collapsed during the magnitude-6.1 quake. Others placed flowers in road cones or tossed them into the Avon River to commemorate those who died.

Speaking at the event, Prime Minister John Key focused on rebuilding efforts.

He said he understands there’s frustration at the time it’s taking to get homes rebuilt, but that in a few years, Christchurch will be “one of the best and most livable cities in the world.”

People around New Zealand observed two minutes’ silence at 12:51 p.m., the time the quake struck.

For older news of ‘Mount Doom’ eruption see: Shocks Continue     Updated  August 2012 August 5th

Christchurch has been rattled by a 4.8-magnitude quake this evening. The quake, centred 20 kilometres east of the city, struck at 5.06pm and was 8km deep. It follows a 4.1 quake this morning, which was centred 20km west of the city, was 10km deep and struck at 9.35am.

After all this time there are still regular aftershocks see this site for daily updates:

Update 20th Feb ’12–  9,988 and counting

Bev tells me that they are  ‘still having earthquakes …we are up to 9,988 now and that was a couple of weeks ago so be more than that now. Just when you think they are slowing down to go away then we get another around 4.3 -4.5 just to let us know that mother nature hasn’t finished with us yet I feel that we will still get another bit one around the 7 mark yet before it is finished …forever hope not but it is in the back of my mind all the time.’

 23 August ’11 Heritage Buildings no longer insured

High-profile Christchurch heritage buildings damaged in the earthquakes are no longer insured. Insurance cover has been cancelled for the Arts Centre and the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament after major claims lodged following the February quake. The claims already lodged will be honoured, but the buildings will not be covered for any damage from a future quake.

Arts Centre director Ken Franklin said he was “extremely concerned about the risk future earthquakes pose for the Arts Centre”.

Cathedral leaders were less concerned, saying further damage from any future quakes would not dramatically increase the repair costs they have already claimed for.

The Arts Centre was badly damaged in the February quake, with nearly every building in need of extensive repair, while most of the Catholic cathedral in Barbadoes St will have to be deconstructed.

20th May

News from Bev working for The Star in a porta cabin in Hagley Park:

‘we get around 6- 8 (aftershocks) each day and have just had a good one 5.3, which they are calling another one for claims as it did quite a bit of damage. Just yesterday we got a 4.7 which lasted for 4 minutes … the buggers are still here!’

Pictures from The Red Zone City Centre – 30th March

Provincial Chambers

Cashel St Mall Area

Colombo St (between Lichfield & Tuam)

Manchester-Gloucester -SW corner

Manchester St – Lichfield St NW cnr

Montreal St-Kilmore St old Normal School

Old Metro Cinema – Worcester St

Stonehurst – Gloucester St

Kenton Chambers – Hereford St

In Ruins

Christchurch Memorial Service Westminster Abbey 27th March

Not being a church goer it was truly memorable experience to find oneself in such a historic building with 2000 people, mostly ex pats like myself. Hearing the Maori language, hymns, prayers, singing the NZ national anthem – seeing Prince Charles laying a wreath, and when Haley Westenra – the young opera singer broke down while trying to read her thoughtful testimony – it was all many of us could do not to collapse in floods of tears. The complex organisation and security arrangements went like clockwork and were no doubt a good rehearsal for the royal wedding to be held there next month.

It will take quite some time to process the variety of emotions that the experience left me with. On the train home we shared the carriage with many NZers on their way to Twickenham to the rugby game with a Sth African team which had been due to be played in Christchurch but was re located here.

Update from Christchurch 6th March

From Bev who is very happy to be alive:

‘Go to and you can see our building as well as the papers we are putting out …

I am back at work and we are in a porta shed on the side of the road. It never lets up really as still having big after shocks and a lot are around 4.6 -4.8ish so makes you wonder if it is going to be another big one – they reckon we are going to get a big one – around 5 at least, every month for around 6-7 months and also in that time another 6 so guess just have to ride it out.’

This link is from the 2nd March here in London  at Westminster Cathedral:–A-Christchurch-remembrance-in-London

For aftershock updates see:

I’ve never felt so proud to be from there, what amazing people! In the midst of all the Middle East upheavals the tiny city of Christchurch lies in ruins with over 300 people confirmed dead or missing and the NZ’ers living here  organised  this beautiful tribute.



Arts Center Christchurch

Christchurch was the hub of our community – the very core of our heritage and although it is many years since I lived there, my most poignant younger memories centre around  Christchurch Cathedral – running up the spire with my father as a tiny child, my first hamburger from the bar beside it and picnics on the river Avon’s grassy banks and the wonders of the museum. Poring over the cabinets of butterflies and bugs, gazing in wonder at the huge dinosaur skeleton and being enchanted by the Victorian shops and coaches.

My grandparents (William and Maud Turnbull) lived in Sydenham and my mother had won a scholarship to attend the Christchurch School of Art – now the Arts Centre, and also badly damaged in the earthquake – until she was forced to go out to work by the depression. She spoke of watching the soldiers march in silence through the Bridge of Remembrance on their way to war as women threw flowers. Her father had fought in the Middle East in  a cavalry unit in WW1. She also witnessed the horrific fire at Ballentines from the window of Beaths opposite, where she worked as a tailor.

My father’s family, the Armstrongs, were among the first settlers in Christchurch moving there from Newport Pagnall with a family of 10, in the 1800’s – my grandmother being the only one to be born in NZ. They owned property called Willow Nook on the banks of the Avon.

The Yardbirds

As a teen my friends and I would pile into Bruce’s old Humber and drive the 50 miles up from Ashburton to a sweaty, smoky underground disco dive to hear Hendrix played with strobe lights flashing – so decadent it seemed to us in the 60’s. Eating at the Coffee Pot on New Regent St was the height of luxury and toasted sandwiches and hot chocolate at the Albatross Coffee Bar – all within sight of the lovely old Cathedral. We also saw live bands such as The Yardbirds, The Beach Boys, The Animals and Roy Orbison who also  played in Christchurch helping to ease the isolation and bring us closer to swinging London.

Weaving by Vivienne Mountfort

Vivienne Mountfort

On a visit back ‘home’ in the 1980’s proudly seeing my cousin Vivienne Mountfort’s exhibition at the Art Gallery in the Botanical Gardens – a tiny 80 year old fibre artist  who did huge weavings including one of the Edmonds ‘Sure to Rise’ baking powder factory, with famous women ‘s faces in each window.

Could this be taken as an inspiration for the future of Christchurch?

Will they re-build? It seems that a third of the buildings in the city center will have to be demolished as they are so badly damaged and apparently the liquifaction oozing up from the ground and doing so much damage is due to the water table being close to the surface – Christchurch was build on a drained swamp. My dear friend Bev, who works for the Christchurch Star sheltered under her office desk and survived but was badly shaken and had to wade through this muddy ooze to get to her car. Her daughter Carmen was bruised by bricks falling on  her and still the aftershocks continue. How are people managing to sleep I wonder? After the first quake people had begun rebuilding but I fear that many will not have the heart to rebuild again.

So what does it all mean to the community? Christchurch had never had an earthquake before although most of us would remember the Inangahua earthquake in 1968 which we felt even though the epicentre was on the West Coast. My uncle Arthur Turnbull,  was the notorious owner of the pub there which took a bit of a battering but everyone survived that one.

Lunch time in The Square

Did Christchurch’s official Wizard survive? Yes, but apparently he plans to return to Australia where he will no doubt be unwelcome by those who remember him as Ian Brackenbury Channell, a right wing activist who fled from 1970’s Melbourne after death threats from the lefties and reinvented himself as a wizard entertaining the lunch time crowds with his pro royalist rants.


This has also been the week in which I celebrated my 60th birthday and saw myself on ITV’s House Gift  so its been a real roller coaster of emotions. FAME

Twickenham Rowing Club – Lee Campbell Prints from Frames of Twickenham

Last summer an ITV film crew shot some footage in my studio and around Eel Pie Island and it finally made it onto the telle this week- 22nd Feb. 2013 All good fun and Gillian said some very nice things.

Eel Pie Dawn – oil on canvas – Lee Campbell

Eel Pie Bridge – Oil on canvas -Lee Campbell